Monday, 16 March 2009

Progress Report 7... Editing... Amal

This past week our group as been focusing on editing as it is very important that we complete before the deadline. So far myself and jaleesa have been coming in our free period, lunch time, before and after school to try and complete the editing. We have been trying to create a flow and use our storyboard to help us but because we have change some bits during filming, the storyboard doesn't match, however that's not really the main issue it is the fact the we have quite a lot of shots but some are good and some need to be re-shot. At this stage our group needs to work really fast as we still have some filming to complete and the deadline is very close. Although the editing is looking good we still have a minute and something to finish. The sound track we have chosen goes very well with the images but we still need to find more sounds to be able to complete the trailer.

So far we have been working hard to complete the editing, as well as the magazine article and now need to work fast to try and complete them all. We will be focusing on the editing this week and the next week we will be focusing on the magazine article. Within our group we have issued ourselves tasks to complete the magazine article and editing as each person will have a responsibility to try and complete an area for example someone will be looking for sounds for editing, someone else will be creating the layout of the magazine and someone else will be writing the article. This will show that we are working as a group as well as individually to show that we are capable to completing a task.

Overall we think as a group we have worked hard and will continue to the next week or so to complete the production and the article, even though there has been differences within the group and arguments have occurred we as group resolved these issues and continued to work together. Each week we have progressed individually and as a group.

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