Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Progress Report 5....Amal

This week we have been editing and finally finished uploading our film, even though it took long we managed to upload what we need. So we can now start editing properly and adding different sounds to it. Because we have so many shots to chose from to place in the order we need, I think that it will be easier as we have logged what shots we will use and when, but that's still needed to be decided on with the whole group. I think I have contributed equally within the group as I have give my ideas and shared my opinions of what we should use and what needs to be changed, and this did help our group as it allowed us all to contribute equally.Now we will start editing and taking turns in who needs to come in the morning, during free period and after school, but we will write down a plan for that so each one of us knows what and when we should go and edit.

For the next week or so we will spend all of our "free" time editing and try to complete it before the deadline and not rush around when it's close to the deadline. If we all work as a team then I think we will achieve the best results we want.

What Went Well:

  • What went well this week is that we managed to upload what we needed on the computer, and this will enable us to start editing properly.
  • We worked together as a group and talked about things that we all wanted to do, which has made it easier to upload what we wanted
Next Best Step
  • Our next best step is to start working together and complete the editing before the deadline.
  • We need to write a timetable of who will do editing on what days and when
  • We need to start arranging what we need to re-shoot and if we need to re-shoot it as some bits in the trailer might need to be done again.

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