Sunday, 8 March 2009

Progress Report 5 - Jaleesa

(02/03/09 - 08/03/09)

Although there has been progress this week, it has been slow progress due to us having to upload our shots and capture the ones that are needed for our film trailer. Alongside the other members of my group, I have equally contributed to the making of our trailer, I have contributed my ideas into how I think our production could be better and what type of effects we should use in our trailer. We've decided which people should be in the editing room in order for us to continue to move on with our production progressively. We also need to decide on what type or types of sound we should and whether we need to re-shoot anything, which in my opinion I think we do due to some of our shots not suiting the original idea of what we wanted for our production.

Over the course of the next week, we hope to have this all decided on in order for us to ensure that we all get A grades as a result of our film production.

What Went Well...

* We uploaded all of our shots onto the computer.

* We made sure that at least one person from the group was able to attend the sessions where we are able to edit.

* We managed to stay in the same sort of routine to ensure that we are not behind in our work.

Next Best Steps...

* Start coming to the editing sessions altogether so that we are all able to decide on what types of things are needed in order for us to produce an A grade production.

* Re-shoot some of our scenes.

* Further discuss who will be editing and when they will be editing.

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