Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Progress Report 7 - Print Productions: Jaleesa

(16/03/09 - 22/03/09)

Over the course of this week, we have been creating our first print production, which is a magazine article for our trailer. Each of us had individual roles; Amal designed the layout, Meena wrote the article, and I decided on which pictures we should have in our article, which will be still images from our trailer. In order for Amal to design the layout, she had to look at some of the layouts of the magazine articles in Empire magazine, and find one that is of the same genre as ours. As a result of her looking at the layouts of some of the articles, it gave her more of an idea of how the layout of our magazine article should look, and where the pictures and text should be placed. Meena was responsible for writing up the actual magazine article, even though it needs to be longer she has so far done a very good job of it as it reflects on what our film is about and how our trailer is likely to be perceived by its audience. She also used many techniques, such as alliteration and rhetorical questions, in order to draw in the readers' attention. I decided on what pictures we would be using within our magazine article, I chose to pick ones that would go well with the actual writing of the article and also the layout, as there are some images that are able to blend with both depending on how they are sized and where they are positioned. 

Although the editing process of our production has taken up most of our time, I am proud of my group. We have all taken on individual roles, and are all contributing equally to the production of our magazine article. We haven't as of yet, decided which pictures should be placed where, but we are gradually getting there and hope to have completed our first print production by the end of the next week.

What Went Well...

* We have all equally contributed to the making of our magazine article.

* We have designed the layout.

* We have chosen our pictures.

Next Best Steps...

* We complete the actual article and what it should say.

* We decide on how the pictures should be sized and where they should be positioned.

* We make final decisions for the layout of the magazine article.

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