(16/03/09 - 22/03/09)
We have finally decided on what we want the article to be about and what it should say. We decided to make it about the production of the film and how the directors came up with the nail-biting narrative. We've chosen some of the potential pictures we want to go in the article, however we have not yet decided on where they will be placed. My role in the production of this magazine article was proof reader. I had to read the article to see if there were any spelling mistakes, if we had used enough techniques; such as alliteration and rhetorical questions and if it made sense in order for readers to understand. Some parts of the article did not make sense and there were one, or two spelling mistakes however, overall the article was good and as a group we felt that it would really allow our readers and our audience to connect to our storyline.
Although, we are gradually progressing with the production of our magazine article, we are finding it quite hard in terms of design and placement of pictures, and therefore we have not quite finished, by the end of this week we hope to have finished our first print production, in order for us to get started on our second print production.
What Went Well...
* We have decided on what images we want to be in our first magazine article.
* We have drawn up the draft copy of our layout.
* We have finished the draft copy of our article, which has been proof read and approved by the media mentors.
Even Better If...
* We figured out how to design our first print production on Adobe Photoshop.
* We use a few more techniques.
* We make a final decision in what style of writing we want our heading and sub-heading to be.
Next Best Steps...
* We add a few more techniques, proof read it, and ensure that it creates an impact in the readers when reading it.
* We make final decisions in what images will be placed where.
* We complete our first print production in order to get started on our second.